Dear Clay Friends:

If you had five minutes to tell a ClayStory, what story would you tell? We want to hear you tell it live, on stage, at NCECA 2015!

For those of you who are planning on attending NCECA 2015 in Providence, Rhode Island, I have some exciting news to share. I'd like to ask you to join Steven Branfman and myself along with some outstanding potters for an evening of storytelling around the theme of clay. The 90 minute event is scheduled for 8 pm on Thursday, March 26, at the Omni Hotel, and takes place just before the annual Potter's Jam. A dozen or so potters will be given a maximum of 5 minutes to tell a clay story.

We have created a website, - please check out the site and consider adding your submission so that you get a chance to be one of 12 potters who will tell a story. The topic can be anything, so long as it is related to clay. Your age, gender, amount of experience with clay, etc. are irrelevant. It's all about the story! We would like to have as diverse a panel of storytellers as we can possible assemble.

You can also augment your story with photographs that will be displayed on the big screen while you tell your story. Your story may be funny, it may be sad, it may be poignant, it may involve the fire department, etc.etc. Seems like any time two or more potters get together, interesting things can and do happen!

I know that we are all super busy right now and don't have much time for anything else. But, no worry - the deadline for entries is Feb. 1st, 2015. We will announce the full lineup on Feb. 15.

Best wishes for a safe and rewarding journey through the busy weeks leading up to the holidays!

Thanks, Owen

PS If you don't mind, please pass along the website link along to anyone you know who may be interested.


Owen saidā€¦
Thanks for posting, John!
sbranfpots saidā€¦
Ditto from me John. Thanks so much! Steven