New England Potters want support for project. ( clay mobile type project)

I would like to share a project that seven New England potters are working on called POW! Pots On Wheels!

The POW! founders are Hayne Bayless, Arthur Halvorsen, Kathy King, Hannah Niswonger, Mark Shapiro, Sam Taylor, and Adero Willard.

It is a mobile out reach project based around a love of pots, both making and using.

We are currently running a KickStarter campaign to raise the money to buy our 17ft step van that will be POW!'s home.

If you think this is something you would lie to hear more about I could send you a few images and documents that talks more about us.

You can also go to:
Our web site:
Our Kickstarter

thank you,

Adero Willard
