Pottery Shuttle Avl-Clay Club?

Wondering if I can send pottery for the TRAC exhibit with anyone from the Asheville area that's going to Clay Club next week?  Sadly, I can't go myself.
Thanks a bunch!


Diane Puckett said…
I can transport them from just south of Weaverville if you can get them to me. If you want to do that, email me, and I will send you directions to my place. dianepuckett@gmail.com
Marian Parkes said…
And I'll likely be going along with Diane, Emily. So I could bring them from Asheville.
Emily Reason said…
Thanks m'ladies! Marian, okay for me to bring it to Odyssey next Tues night?
I was just going to volunteer. Hey girls, any room for me???
Marian Parkes said…
Sure, Emily. Nelle, check with Diane. There should be.
Diane Puckett said…
It takes a village. With a RAV.