Blaine Avery Opening!


The kiln Opening starts tomorrow, I posted some pictures of pots on my blog of some of the new work as I was loading it in the kiln. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you this and next weekend. But If you can't make it out to the studio I'll be listing some of the new work in my etsy store the fist of the week. The last few weeks have flown by. I have been so busy getting everything ready. I apologize if I haven't been able to return everyone's emails and phone calls., I just couldn't get to everyone with so much to do. I'll reply to everyone as soon as I can also feel free to contact me again if I haven't gotten back to you in the next few days.

Avery Pottery & Tileworks

It's going to be a beautiful weekend!!


Blaine M. Avery saidā€¦
John, thanks so much for the post! :-)
Blaine M. Avery saidā€¦
John, thanks so much for the post! :-)