Another Opportunity at Penland
Folks, if you've ever wanted to get dirty at Penland and still be able to drive home afterwards, now is your chance! Penland's annual Community Open House day is approaching and the clay studio is in need of volunteers. It's Saturday, February 28, from 11 to 6. For volunteering, you get a pizza lunch, a work apron designed by Penland resident Margaret Cogswell, and lots of respect and good kudos from the clay coordinator. And you'll look like a pro! Visitors arrive at the school at 1 and leave at 5. All the studios are open and people are invited to make stuff. I have two activities in the clay studio. Visitors can throw a pot on the wheel or sculpt/handbuild a pot or a mini-sculpture, all with the help of volunteers. If you're interested in helping, please let me know: (828) 765-2359, x.41, or I'm looking especially for people who like to throw and who would be willing to throw with kids. See y'all soon!
diane mead