I need a kiln!

I'm looking for an old electric kiln, perhaps one that is sitting out in the garage not being used, or even one that is beyond repair! I'm at the point where I'm needing my own kiln, after 3 years of renting kiln space. I'm planning a small kiln project to convert it to a small soda gas kiln here at my studio, and would love to recycle and reuse the parts of an old electric kiln! I'm also in need of a few old silicon carbide shelves and kiln bricks. I'd be interested in one somewhere in the western NC area, eastern TN or upstate SC regions so it is easy for me to transport it. Please help me figure out my next step and help with this transition! I'd appreciate any help or ideas I can get.

If you, or anyone you know of has any of these items, please contact me at:

Joy Tanner
Soda Fired Pottery
Bakersville, NC


June Perry saidā€¦
Joy, I have some hard brick arch bricks you're welcome to and I also have some straights as well (also hard bricks). Some may be leftover from my soda kiln and there are some 70& alumina, hard bricks I brought up with me when I moved here, to build a tiny wood/oil, salt test kiln which I didn't get around to building and finally decided I don't need, so you're welcome to all of them.
Joy Tanner saidā€¦
thanks so much June, I'll come check them out Thursday!
Micah Cain saidā€¦
Hey Joy,

I have an old Skutt 1027 that i was planning to do the same with. If you think you can use it you are welcome to it. I think you could get more use from it than i.

Joy Tanner saidā€¦
thanks micah! i definitely want to come check it out, that would help out a lot I think. could i come see it soon? are you around this week?
John Britt saidā€¦

Are you getting what you need?

Joy Tanner saidā€¦
Thanks everyone for the ideas, help and generosity. Parts are coming together and I'm getting close...working on finding some old kiln shelves and then need to get a gas tank and line run out here, might hunt around for some more bricks and/or castable. It's amazing to me the community we have out here, living among all these helpful potters in the woods. Thanks so much June, Shane and Micah! I'll keep you posted...
John Britt saidā€¦

I have some shelves but they might be worse for wear and tear, but maybe another person can help with 16" x 16" shelves???

You may want to buy a tank from Blossman and if you need help with black pipe, let me know.