Now I Feel Like a Potter

My first RDA Stroll was this weekend, and I actually sold 3, count 'em, 3 pieces. Now that does not compare to others. But it is a start. I made many good contacts in the Jewish community and will have a spot in the Celebration of Israel next year, as well as Hard Lox. So, not a bad weekend at all. Learned much about what people want in a market type arrangement, as opposed to a gallery. But, now comes the eternal question of Art vs. Commerce. If Sophie wants my Havdalah set for her son-in-law in blue, but mine are beautiful earthy shinos, do I make it in blue for Sophie???

Now I am going to Burnsville to see a lady about some plates I made for her gallery.


Joy Tanner saidā€¦
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John Britt saidā€¦
Nice job! I never sell much at the June sales but it is always good to make connections and get contacts for later.
Thanks, John. By the way, watch out for the cutest little turtle crossing your road!!!!
Personally, I don't do it for Sofie. Unless i already have an interest in and am thinking of blue or want the challenge. It trains people to think hand made art/craft is the same as target or pottery barn. That there is a catalog to choose from and if that is the case why not choose factory made? People need to know that this is a product of your aesthetics and skill and experience and sensibility crossed with the meeting of whatever else happened in the universe to make that pot come out this way this time and no other. If we can't teach customers/friends/relatives this then I think we slowly lose the meaning of buying hand made things and you can't compete against a factory that way. I saw this when living on the Navajo Rez for a few years. People would see a rug, hand woven, hand dyed, hand sheared, from grandmas sheep. A design that has 4 fold symmetry without drawing a pattern.One which will never be repeated exactly for philosophical reasons, which recreates a world view, the colors representing forces and directions in balance and which took a month or more to weave and they would ask, " do you have one in green to match my couch?"
It drove me crazy and forced me to see how important it is NOT to make the Blue one for Sophie. Just my little thoughts. Erik Painter