Mouse in the House (or Kiln)

Just when you think you are eliminating one thousand of the one million variables in ceramic production you discover another.

I loaded a kiln the other day and closed it up and then in the morning I fired it. Well, when I opened seems that a mouse had taken a bunch of ceramic fiber and started to make a house in the bottom of my big bowl.


John Britt


June Perry saidā€¦
I had one make a nest in one of my burners. You've never seen a mouse fly until you start to turn on a burner with one in there. It was like a catapult shot her out in a high arch! I don't know which one of us was more spooked! LOL
John Britt saidā€¦
I bet! 250,000 BTU's
Marian Parkes saidā€¦

So what happened to the mouse?
John Britt saidā€¦
No residue so I assume he/she ran off.
Micah Cain saidā€¦
I think it looks pretty good. Maybe i need to get some mice around my work.
John Britt saidā€¦
If you train them properly...they can be overachievers.
does the fiber hurt the meeses??