Sample of some of my latest C 10 soda glaze tests

Here's one of four cone 10-12 soda test tiles from my recent soda firing. All 4 groups are on my soda salt yahoo group at:
The numbers and names of these tiles are in one of the text folders, since there doesn't seem to be any way to add text to uploaded photo files.
In the new few days, or so, I'll get the recipes posted in the recipes text folders. There are already a lot of soda slip and glaze recipes in the text folders.
The group is a closed group to members only, but it's super easy to join and you can opt to get single message, or a digest, or no messages at all and just check the site periodically to see if there's anything new. The group is not a chatty, active group. I started it more as a means to have a permanent place to post information, recipes, etc and a forum for other soda and salt firers to share photos of their work and kiln, ask or answer questions about these firing processes.
I also posted a video of me unloading my soda kiln on my blog (link below). It's also posted on you tube.
June Perry
I also saw your video on the You Tube.
You are doing a great job with all this techie stuff!
I realize this is a very old post but I'm wondering if you can tell me what the names of two of these glazes are. I am particularly interested in the middle two tiles of the top row.
Thank you,