Bag Wall

Here is a photo of Linda's bagwall for June P. Does it help? Linda and Joy may have some suggestons on keeping that kiln even?!

John Britt


Joy Tanner saidā€¦
Even stacking of the 3 shelf stacks really helps. This means literally matching up with the same size posts on each bottom shelf, working all the way up. I start with a 7" post all across the bottom three shelves. It's hard to keep it symmetrical when you don't have enough sizes of things, or you have a lot of small bowl rows. Luckily the firing was very even this time, despite all the rows of bowls for empty bowls.
Joy Tanner saidā€¦
Even stacking of the 3 shelf stacks really helps. This means literally matching up with the same size posts on each bottom shelf, working all the way up. I start with a 7" post all across the bottom three shelves. It's hard to keep it symmetrical when you don't have enough sizes of things, or you have a lot of small bowl rows. Luckily the firing was very even this time, despite all the rows of bowls for empty bowls.
June Perry saidā€¦
Thanks Joy. I'll have to try that.
As you say, having enough pots the right size can be a bit of a challenge for a non production potter!

My problem firstly, was a chimney too short which resulted in a cold bottom. Then we made two changes(raising the chimney and opening up and lowering the bag wall). In hind sight we should have only made one change.

Next firing I'll adjust the bag wall as shown in John's picture and see how that works and at least keep the first 3 shelf course at the 7", which I do now, but make sure they're all the same.

Thanks so much for the feedback.