Site Meter

Does anyone know how to put the site meter our site? I have the HTML code but don't know how to insert it?

Thanks John


Kyle Carpenter saidā€¦
you have to be the creator of the blog, i think.
go to dashboard.
under clay club, go to layout.
go to "add a gadget" in the right column.
a pop-up window will come up.
scroll down to html/javascript.
hit the "+" button.
give the sitemeter a title, if needed.
paste the html code into the body.
you're done.
there's also a buch of other stuff you can add like a blog-roll and a survey.
happy administrating!
John Britt saidā€¦
Thanks dude, I will try it,

klineola saidā€¦
Yeah I think Kyles right. You have to be the administrator. Emily?
Anonymous saidā€¦
Information on adding a site meter:
Eric Preece saidā€¦
Not built in but if you're interested in tracking your traffic try Google analytics.

Very easy to install and industry standard metrics.