Sticker Contest, anyone?
So, my first Clay Club meeting went without injury, so I guess I'm hooked. I like the idea of rotating the meeting place.
So, I was thinking that Clay Club could get some stickers made. Any thoughts? I recently had some Clayspace Co-op stickers made for cheap and people seem to like them. Anyhow, this sticker, applied to your vehicle could signify you as a member and/or a supporter of NC Clay. So, all you photoshoppers out there, let's make it a contest. Any takers? offers 250 of these for $50, including shipping and digital upload. That's 20 cents per sticker. They take 2-8 weeks to make them (I guess that's why they're so cheap). I think we could scrounge up the money via member donations. Below is an example I made. You can also have black background with white font. It's up to you. You can change the words too, or add a pot, or whatever. Mayber the word "member?"
Specs: Size is 4.25" X 2.75" at 300 dpi and in B&W. Save as jpg.
So here's how we should do it. Email me, Kyle, your sticker entry at After all of the entries are collected, I'll get Emily to post them on the blog and we'll vote for them with a poll. Let's make the deadline for entries January 1, 2009.
Well, any takers?
So, I was thinking that Clay Club could get some stickers made. Any thoughts? I recently had some Clayspace Co-op stickers made for cheap and people seem to like them. Anyhow, this sticker, applied to your vehicle could signify you as a member and/or a supporter of NC Clay. So, all you photoshoppers out there, let's make it a contest. Any takers? offers 250 of these for $50, including shipping and digital upload. That's 20 cents per sticker. They take 2-8 weeks to make them (I guess that's why they're so cheap). I think we could scrounge up the money via member donations. Below is an example I made. You can also have black background with white font. It's up to you. You can change the words too, or add a pot, or whatever. Mayber the word "member?"

Specs: Size is 4.25" X 2.75" at 300 dpi and in B&W. Save as jpg.
So here's how we should do it. Email me, Kyle, your sticker entry at After all of the entries are collected, I'll get Emily to post them on the blog and we'll vote for them with a poll. Let's make the deadline for entries January 1, 2009.
Well, any takers?