BRAIN STORM personal goals for 2009

So, this came from a disscussion I was having with my studiomate, Heather Tinnaro. She had asked me what my goals were for the upcoming year, potterywise. So I thought it was a wonderful question to pose to the Clay Clubbers. So here's some things that "we" should be thinking about. This will offer an honest look at where each of us are in our careers as potters or sculptors. I think some of us are in similar points in our careers. We can help each other. It seems that there is a nice range of experience within the group. Some are just beginning. We can help them. Some are just bad ass. They can help us. Here's some examples of what may be possible goals for for some of us in the upcoming year.

*get a website or blog
*build a better mailing/email list
*apply for more juried shows or craft shows
*make better handles
*find some new glazes
*market my workshops
*get into ______ gallery
*start taking credit cards
*keep a better journal/sketchbook
*make some new business card/postcards
*learn photoshop
*save money for equipment
*post more on the clay club blog
*get serious about documenting my work
*redesign my booth
*fix up the kiln
*have a home sale
*take a workshop
*refine my forms
*test more glazes
*do some collabrative work
*make more pots!
*sell more pots!


Clay Club saidā€¦
you're screwed, dude.
Just kidding!
lots of great ideas that will fit well into topics for meetings.
John Britt saidā€¦

Did you say take a workshop?
John Britt saidā€¦
Did you say test more glazes?
Kyle Carpenter saidā€¦
okay, these were examples of what y'all may want to bring up at the meeting. i personally don't need to do all these things, just a few.
read the full post!
Tracey Broome saidā€¦
I'm doin' it! This list is going up on my studio wall today! Unlike the "bad asses" that have replied, I need this list :) :)
John Britt saidā€¦

I am all for the list. I was just reminding Kyle that I teach workshops and love to test glazes!
Tracey Broome saidā€¦
Yo Yo YO!
John I got your hints for Kyle (and the rest of us maybe?), but you are the baddest bad ass! Built a kiln in three days and I can't even get the time to pour my foundation!! man....