Experimental Soda Firing

We did an experimental soda firing with the NC Clay Club in December 2008. The object was to try to find new glazes and to introduce the soda using the Gail Nichols method. We used 3.5 pounds of Light Soda Ash/1.5 pounds of Baking Soda and 5 pounds of Whiting. We mixed that with a small amount of water and after it chunked up, we scooped it onto an angle iron and introduced it in to the kiln around cone 9. We also sprayed in the ports a mixture of 1.5 pounds of soda ash in about a 1 gallon of water.
We got some promising results but they are too numerous to mention here. Perhaps at the January meeting people can bring some of their pieces and we can discuss it?
John Britt
I already put up the teapot with the Lucas Glaze. Maybe Joy will post?! I did not want to hog,